Financial analysis is primarily done through financial ratios analysis. A financial ratio, to put in non-technical terms, is a comparison between two numerical values which are obtained from the financial sheets and information provided by a company in its balance sheet, income statement and state of stockholder’s equity. An important aspect of financial statement analysis assignment is some of the popular ratios used in financial statement analysis:
> Profitability ratio = Gross Profit Net Sales
> Profit Margin = Net Profit Net Sales
> Current Liquidity ratio = Current Assets Current Liabilities
> Quick Liquidity ratio = (Current Assets – Inventory)÷ Current Liabilities
> Debt ratio = Total Liabilities Total assets
> Earnings per share = Net Earning Earnings per share
> Dividend cover = Earnings per share Dividend per share.
These were some of the chief financial ratios which are used by economic analysts to determine the economic health of company relating to future investments and current operations. If you require financial statement analysis help, then our financial statement analysis assignments can be our ideal guide. The different important aspects of financial assignment analysis help will also help you to clear your doubts in this subject.
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So, don’t wait anymore to make an impeccable financial statement analysis assignment. Simply subscribe to our financial statement analysis help.