I think OSRS GP would also be a very different mobile game than other games in both mechanics and because it originated online. I would think that better features would exist for people who play online, but maybe my mindset is too narrow. I don't see me taking risks with my equipment for bossing or PVPing.
It's also possible to wait for 10 seconds to log out this to me is a little strange on mobile. You can exit most mobile games and then return to it later if you have to complete something urgently. If you're fighting a monster you need to wait until it is defeated, then get out of the area of aggro, and then wait for 10 seconds before you log off. It's not a big issue however it could make all PVM/PVP uses on mobile vastly different than any other mobile game. It is not known how new players would respond to this.
Hey! Hi! This topic was born as I was looking to talk about Guthix, God of Balance and Nature. I would like to hear from everyone who has something to say and consider it and think about what can I say. This Topic was created by me. I know Guthix has passed away.
Here's my opinion about Guthix. Since he did such a lot for Gielinor, Guthix is the only god who belongs to him. Guthix also tries to balance the world. I'm looking for to be balanced. Guthix followed me, so I don't think Guthix really is dead.
My view is that one god could die, and not their bodies. I believe their minds will remain and they will return if they get an entirely new body. Guthix is the strongest god, not-elder. He might even make an avatar out of natural resources. Guthix is likely to return and Gielinor's return.
He then restores all to runescape 2007 gold Gielinor, and let it be in peace. What do you think? I will tell you my own theory about that now: I think God's worship is just a small one aspect of something larger and even if their bodies die, their minds can be still alive, example: Now, Guthix has died, however, the mind in Gielinor is still the balance. So long as Saradomin and Zamorak control Good and Evil balanced, so long Guthix is alive. Guthix will not die if there's equilibrium.